Tuesday 10 November 2009


Day 32. 2nd Nov 2009
Location: Warsaw
Status: Cold but cool
Author: Simon

My goodness. It's chilly.
To think a mere 17 days ago we were drenched in beatuliful sunbeams,
sucking in the vitim D and showing off our tans. Now it's cold.

Yesterday we made our way from krakow to Warsaw and it was in krakow I
learnt about windchill. Sure knew that in winter when the wind blow it
is cold. I experienced this when on childhood walks, normally boxing
day, that seamed to involve a beach. Who ever thought that setting
foot on a English beach at any time other than the two week summer was
a good idea is beyond me. Well no it's not really beyond me, it was my
mother who must have thought this. Anyway, I knew wind could be cold.

But Poland in November. It's a whole other thing.
Krakow was beautiful, wonderful arcitechture, massive medieval castle
and churches. Tree lined paths winding their way through parks. Clear
blue sky, sun shining, leaves all autumnal. Almost like krakow was the
city with roads pathed with gold as the leaves fell to form and
uncollected goldern blanket. (perfect for running through and kicking,
which we did of course)

Out of the wind it was almost warm.
In the wind the Goldern city changed to a land that summer forgot,
maybe an enternal winter like narnia.
So out came the thermals and the MA fleases.

I pride myself on being at the cutting edge of fashion. Almost a trend
setter. If I was on radio one I would be 'timmy trendy' maybe with my
own daytime TV show about how to keep 'on trend'
Keeping top of my fashion game is a lot harder in this dam icey wind
when carring such a limited wardrobe.
I gave a lot of thought to what clothes I would take away. I wanted to
ensure maxium flexablity within my clothes. Allowing me to mix and
match outfits.

Step one was to pick a small amount of clothes, 3 pairs of trousers, 4
t shirts, 2 fleases, set of thermals.

Step two is to ensure Colour Blindness. This allowed me to match any
two garments with no knowlage or concern if they work as a fashion
Step 3, this is only relevant to wind chill. Wear eveything at once.
Then it must go together.
Today I purchased a pair of thermal trousers, a Warsaw must have, to
compliment my fleese.

But let's be greatful we had our training in cold, damp, grey london.
We are currently sharing a room with two people from the Asia area,
not that I am jumping to conculsions, but they must really be
struggling with the temperature. I make this assumption because of
their sleeping attire, not that I look, which is basically tacksuits.

Now we are currently in a £7 per night six person dorm rooms which
are, as there are 6 people, rather snug and cosy and I do not require
much in the way of PJs. So if they require full sleeping suites they
must find the icey winds crippling.

Sent from my iPhone

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