Friday 25 September 2009

Around the world in 720 days

In the immortal words of Michael Jackson


This is our life for the foreseeable future.

Below is a list of the destinations we plan to travel with a VERY rough idea of dates. This list and dates are very much subject to change, but it is as accurate as we can possibly get it at this time

Our simple plan is to fly to Turkey on the 1st of October then get the train to Hong Kong via some countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, Mongolia and China….Yes the SIMPLE plan.

We will then spend a few weeks in the Philippines learning to Scuba dive and celebrate Christmas and New Year.
After this a little flight to Canada where we hope to work in Vancouver for about 5 months and do a little skiing, see the Northern Lights and ride a few Polar Bears.

Then if we are in one piece we will be jumping down to Perth in Australia, where we are going to join Simon’s family as they meet Davina’s family. Fingers crossed all goes well.

Then we will spend some time in Asia before going back to Australia to earn more money to fund our chosen lifestyle.

After this we are a little vague as we generally say ‘the rest of the world’ but we like the idea of ending it all via South America, but let us wait and see.

If you fancy a holiday it would be great to see you along the way, maybe a long weekend in Canada or a holiday in Australia. What ever is your fancy let us know and we can tell you exactly how accurate our timetable really is.

Location Arrive Depart

Turkey 30/09/09 15/10/09
Bucharest 15/10/09 18/10/09
Transylvania 18/10/09 20/10/09
Budapest 20/09/10 23/10/09
Lake Balaton 23/10/09 25/10/09
Vienna 25/10/09 27/10/09
Prague 27/10/09 30/10/09
Krakow 31/10/09 3/11/09
Warsaw 3/11/09 5/11/09
Vilnius 5/11/09 6/11/09
Russia 6/11/09 22/11/09
Mongolia 23/11/09 30/1/09
China 1/12/09 14/12/09
Hong Kong
Philippians 15/12/09 20/01/2010
Canada 21/01/2010 Mid July
Australia July September
Asia September December
Australia December 2010 June 2011
Rest of world TBC
Home Where ever that maybe. When ever that maybe.

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