Friday 25 September 2009


"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." –Mark Twain

Location: Nor then line, London
Count down: 6 days until departure
Status: a little teary

Employment or rather the lack of it.
I am currently on my way in to work for the very last time. It's a very strange feeling, of course very exciting but also sad. The last 2.5 years with MA have been wonderful with massive learning opportunities and the last 6 months have been particularly enjoyable.

For MA uk, the foreseeable future show signs of being very successful as well as very enjoyable. Chris, Callum and Philip are a force to recon with and I am sure will create a very fun working environment.
The next few months should be interesting with the MA 2, the software is coming along in leaps and bounds.
Altogether I am sure they will take over the world.
I am sad that I will miss this.

Of course I am excited about not working, it will be nice to remove that responsibility from my limited mental capacity. But I like a little stress and routine. Not really sure how I am going to feel without it.

Anyway, it's been a great couple of years. I have learnt, laughed and eaten lots.

Oh and Paul was a dick

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