Wednesday 7 October 2009


Location: derinkuyu... Aka place with no women
Status: a little freaked out while waiting for a bus... Again
Lesson for today: sometimes you miss the bus
Author: Davina

Day 3 of our travel and we have about half an hour for the bus.
Yesterday was a nice day. We slept in, booked our balloon ride and

We went to an open air museum in goreme. About 1000years ago the
Christian population were forced into the area so they built their
houses and churches in the rock. Cannot describe what a fasinating
place this is. There are holes everywhere in the rock and sometimes
the rock has broken apart and you can see into rooms. There are 1000s
of these and the open air museum is a collection of churches and a
monastry. All very amazing.

Two thing for the historian in me. If I was a museum curator I would
have a blank canvas to work on. There is very little information on
how the houses and community were run and lived. You have a sign that
says this was a house and you see an empty room with nothing else. It
was fun trying to imagine was they did here but would have liked to
how found out for sure. Also after a while it is just another room
seen one seen them all.

Secondly alot of the painting had been damaged deliberatly. People had
scratched out the eyes and faces of some beautiful paintings and when
I asked why the attendant said they had only been protected since the
Early eighties and before then people would come in and damage them.
Was a real shame.

Then we went bush bashing. We found this little tiny valley like space
and we walked down into it. There was an ancient walk way running
along it under the rock so we got to explore that and there were fruit
tree and flowers and all isolated.

I have to admit I was having images of us getting lost and having to
be rescued just like the English backpackers in Australia who take of
for a walk in the desert with no water, no map and not having told
anyone where they were going or when they would be back. Luckily that
wasn't us.

Then we went back to the hostel rested up and went to see the sunset.
We climbed a hill and sat there watching the sun go down and take so
many pictures that you will all be bored by them.

Sent from my iPhone

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