Wednesday 7 October 2009

Thanks goes to my mum

Day 5
Location: Bus. Middle of no where
Lesson: when they say 9 they mean 14
Authur: Simon the bus driver

So today thanks has to go to my mother. I owe her a great debt of
Currently I am multi tasking (for this skill the praise goes not to
mummy but to my slightlu girly side, which I guess is her fault also.
Why did she make me go to drama class and not football club?) I am
writing this blog and watching a film and, the important bit, while on
a night bus. Davina, on the other hand, is not. Well she is on the bus
and she is mutli tasking the diffrence being that she is trying to
keep her eye on the horizon which turns out to be quite hard at night
at the same time as supressing her travel sickness.
I don't mean to boast. But I could read hanging upside down while
traversing the worse roads eastern Europe can throw at me at the same
time as eating a bigmac without feeling queasy.
As a child we travelled alot mostly from our...
I had to pause here as watching "transporter3" in tukish with Turkish
subtitles required more of my concentration than first allocated
dispite my multi tasking. Then as it was midnight I went to sleep.

....we travelled alot as kids to visit my family in Devon and this was
before the days of seatback DVDs so we had to entertain ourselves with
books or games. We also used to sleep which is why I think I sleep so
well while travelling. And for this education I thank my mother.

We are now on the south coast of Turkey in olympos after 14 hours and
3 buses. It was not too bad, the main bus was quite empty and we both
slept well. Actually Davina did not suffer with motionsickness too
much. We have these funny little bands that sit on your wrist where
you check a pulse. No idea what that do but seams to work.
It is beautiful here.

Are we here yet?

Sent from my iPhone

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