Thursday 8 October 2009

There is a time and place for "Dirty dancing"

Day 6/7/8
Location: Olympos. South coast of Turkey
Status: very relaxed.
Author: Si

The title on this hostel's website is "so relaxed you will forget to
And it's not far wrong.

While writing the power has been cut. No one cares at the moment but I
can feel my heart rate increasing because I can hear the alarm on the
UPS! Get over it, it's not show critical!

...The place is call olympos. We are staying in a large hostel at the
bottom of a valley just a few hundred meters from the beach. It's very
warm, very quiet and very beautiful. All the accomadation is made of
"tree houses" really they are garden sheas. There is a large
communial area shaded by orange trees made up of seating platforms
with low tables and lots of cusions. There's a bar that plays relaxing
music (saying that we had the sound track to Greece the musical
yesterday?!) And Dirty Dancing- yey ( well I was happy singing along
even if si was horrified... The girls would understand)- d

Inculded in the price (about as much as a cocktail in London) are two
meals which you eat with eveyone. All this produces a very social
atmosphere. At first we thought one night would be enough. We felt it
was a party hostel and that's not what we are after. The people might
be party people. But no one can be bothered to party. Even getting up
to go to the bar is an effort.

The beach is close but not sand, more gravel. We spent one day there.
But like the bar, it's a little to far to walk, about 400m.
I am currently a little hungry and concerned that there is nothing to
eat within arms reach!

As nice as it is here we are ready to move on. You can have too much

So at 7pm we begin our second night on the bus. Maybe they will play
the second half of "transporter3"

Not alot more to say other than "blind faith" by ben Elton is quite

Sent from my iPhone

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