Friday 2 October 2009

Thank you British Rail

Day 2
Location: hotel on outsirts of Istanbul
Status: not as stressed as some.
Author: Simon

I have to thank British Rail or rather it's privatized components for
their training in disapointment and how to handle disaster. Really
this blessing comes from every element of british rail travel whether
it be a broken down train at Liverpool street, points failer at
watford juntion or leaves on the line in the middle of nowhere.
As a user of the British transport system for many years I am now used
to or even expect delays and the chaos that ensues. For example, my
last trip with MA was back from Edinburgh. I was looking foward to 4
hours of relaxing in firstclass with many G&Ts and some DVDs. The
chaos at the staion gave the impression that every train track in the
country had exploded and that the end of world might be close so grab
your towel. Actualy it was just the east coast main line that had been
flooded. No trains going south or coming north. I make it to the
informatin desk to be told that my option was join a queue longer than$
$$$! For a coach to newcastle picking up the train onward to London
from there. This was not really an option. It was only 3.30 but there
were alot of people with no sign of a coach meaning a late night. So I
remembered past lessons from BR. Took a deep breath and sat down. I
watched the arrival board. All trains from the south were delayed or
canceled. Then one arrived so I got on it assuming that if it came
from London it must go back. I sat in first enjoyed some coffee and
sparkling water while the world outside the train collapsed. After a
while it left, not to London but to Glasgow were I picked up a virgin
train to London. So I did not get my G&T but at least I was not on a
coach to bum-f$&k nowhere.

Yesterday we arrive at stanstead on time but the flight to Istanbul
was delayed. We checked and they should hold our connecting flight for
us. We check again once on the plane to be told it will be ok We land
at 7.24 and our next flight is at 7.25. The pilot comes on the PA just
to let us know we have to wait on the tarmac for a few minuets untill
another plane has moved out of the way, turns out to be our connecting
flight of course we don't know this at that moment. More garbled
anoucements that basically instructed all british tourists that they
needed to panic, run off the plane and start shouting. So we do. Run
through passport to the help desk where, just like Edinburgh, chaos
has erupted. The three connecting flights have all left and they are
offering to put us in a hotel and on the first flight in the morning,
we are to go to the sales desk to get further instruction. I take a
deep breath. Think for a second. Agree with Davina that she will
collect the bags and I will wait in line at the ticket desk and ask to
not fly at 6.30 in the morning, rather get the evening flight. Simple.
Not for everyone else. Do they not remember the lessons from BR? Our
flights have left and there are no other flights. The poor 16 year old
behind the counter can not answer your slilly questions and it was not
their fault. Anyway, why do that to yourself? Why get in such a state
and make a bad situation horrid for all? One very cross woman was
complaining that she had been traveling since 5am (she lived in London
like us and we left at 9am?!) I wanted to point out that I had just
left everything I knew, my friends and family and that she should shut
the fuck up.

I knew we would be ok. We had water, snacks, a book and a pencil. Even
if we stayed in the airport we would have been ok. In the end we got a
free night in a nice hotel with a free meal which we ate with three of
the shouty British tourist who had calmed down and turned out to be
very interesting. What was also a little interesting was the two
crossest were starting a very relaxed 5 week trip around turkey so
were on no dead line!

We are in the middle of nowhere. But we have a large clean if sparce
room and all is well.

So thank you London underground for training me in disapointment and

Sent from my iPhone

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