Thursday 1 October 2009

See you on the flip side

Departure day
Location: Mac's car, m25.
Status: feeling rather sick
Author: Simon

It's depature day. We are off.
Packed and on our way to the airport.
This has to be the strangest day ever, I am so excited, a little
nervous and so sad.
Leaving is alot harder than I thought it would be. I know the time
will go very quickly and we currently plan to see my family in only 10
months when they come over to Oz. I also know the world is now very
small with facebook, email and skype. But still very sad. I will miss
my family, friends and current life very much.
I am also finding the change of status hard. Gone from nice job, great
house in Greenwich, great friends and eveything in it's place. To
eveything in a box or a small rucksack. I am a creature of habit,
maybe a little OCD, so this is hard for me.
It's not all been bad, going through everything I own is very
refreshing, questioning everything. I hope when I do settle again I
will reavaulate all the 'stuff' and weather it really need it.

Also learnt alot about preparation. We have been working on this for a
year and some tasks we completed months ago. But too much we left to
late meaning the last few days have been unnecessarly stressful and
less fun

Lesson is. Do it today. Not tomorrow

It's now three hours untill we fly. Fuck.

Sent from my iPhone

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